Grower Solutions

Understand exactly how your fields are
producing and how they are performing
at each pack out, down to the box.

From enhanced pack out reports, to block and lot level analytics. We've got your back. Gain clarity around where you're performing best, worst, and why. Terrantic Copilot comes with out of the box tools to automate demand planning, sales planning and packhouse schedules, simply by leveraging your existing data.  Even if you already have one or more of these systems, Copilot can enrich your existing applications with better data to inform your decisions.  Follow the journey of an apple from orchard => box => retail to enable precise grower accounting

Packout Reporting

Dashboards to view exact pack out details defects, what went to cull, sorting group details. Take advantage of exact customer SKU matching to measure true revenue contribution.

Block & Field
Level Analytics

Capture inputs and farm operations datato determine profitability contribution fromeach lot and field. Get insight into relativeeffects of inputs on performance andprofitability.